mental health

  1. 5. these are often forms of self destructive behavior that are a way to respond to the illness
  2. 9. the word for how a person suffering with anxiety or other mental illnesses uses to deal with it
  3. 11. these can be linked with things like anxiety because of how someone feels about their looks or weight
  4. 13. a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe
  5. 16. the indicators of someone being effected by a mental illness
  6. 18. the word for the effect it has on other people usually close to the person
  7. 19. this can be different for everyone but it can feel like a crushing feeling of fear or like your chest is getting tighter when in a crowd
  8. 20. an unhealthy coping mechanism which can also be self destructive and harm the person
  9. 21. a rational or usually irrational fear of something
  10. 22. includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.
  1. 1. an overwhelming feeling often caused by a person or event
  2. 2. this can be a symptom of anxiety with a sudden onset of anxiety
  3. 3. 1 in 6 people in the uk suffer a mental illness this is an example of this word
  4. 4. this is an often coping mechanism for anxiety or other mental illness
  5. 6. a mental disorder characterized by disruptions in thought processes, perceptions, emotional responsiveness, and social interactions
  6. 7. this can be an unhealthy way to cope with mental illness
  7. 8. what can often been seen as the answer to people suffering with some mental illnesses
  8. 10. stress set on from a traumatic event
  9. 12. a form of common mental illness that can make a person feel worthless
  10. 14. a form of a healthy way to respond to the illness
  11. 15. something that people who are afflicted may do in order to try and lessen their impacts on people
  12. 16. a term for a person who has thoughts about ending their life
  13. 17. a meaning for an incident or event that could have contributed to it