mental health

  1. 3. It is a condition of extreme tendencies to fall asleep whenever and wherever they want.
  2. 8. The neuroticism score is used as an assessment for------- related disorders.
  3. 12. This personality disorder does not have a specific criteria in ICD-10 but have one in DSM-5.
  4. 13. It is the disorder of stealing.
  5. 14. Dyspareunia disorder is coming under--------.
  6. 16. People with --------- disorder is partrayed as'mad genius'by the media.
  7. 17. Split personality is often wrongly associated with ---------.
  8. 18. --------- anxiety disorder is characterised by excessive fear or anxiety to be alone from those individuals to whom the person has a deep emotional bond from others.
  9. 19. The person experiences the moods of feeling sad, irritable, empty or a loss of pleasure or interest in activities for most of the day.
  1. 1. A severe or intense lack of motivation.
  2. 2. The WHO is given Effective treatments exist for---------- is often involving parents, caregivers, and teachers, cognitive problem-solving or social skills training.
  3. 4. This disorder initially occur in childhood days.
  4. 5. The children has --------- than the usual,it leads to ADHD.
  5. 6. Fear of dogs.
  6. 7. PTSD may develop following exposure to an extremely horrific event or series of --------- events.
  7. 8. ----------is an disorder characterized by low weight, food restriction and body image disturbance.
  8. 9. People with OCD are wrongly associated with ------.
  9. 10. The most common phobia.
  10. 11. People with borderline personality disorder are sterotypically accussed of being ----- behavior.
  11. 15. --------is the loss of cognitive functioning thinking, remembering and reasoning.