  1. 2. deep dream state
  2. 3. a helpful safeguard
  3. 5. messages from others
  4. 9. chemicals secreted by the body
  5. 10. Hormone-like substance
  6. 12. an emotion that is usually negative
  7. 13. unique individual traits
  8. 15. Artistic
  9. 16. intellect, body type, facial features
  10. 17. a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease
  1. 1. 10-14 million suffer
  2. 4. things you find important
  3. 6. a mask for other meanings
  4. 7. American psychologist
  5. 8. how one thinks and behaves
  6. 11. Recover from disappointment
  7. 14. core, ethical values