Mental Health

  1. 3. A strong irrational fear of something that poses little to no actual danger.
  2. 4. An illness in which a person binges on food or has regular episodes of overeating and feels a loss of control
  3. 7. The ability to solve problems and handle daily events in your life, along with your emotions.
  4. 8. When a person eats a large amount of food in a short period of time.
  5. 9. Type of depression that comes from lack of sunlight.
  6. 10. An eating disorder that makes people lose more weight than is considered healthy for their age and height.
  7. 13. substance use or substance dependence.
  8. 15. comes from after living through or seeing a traumatic event, such as war, a hurricane, rape, physical abuse or a bad accident.
  9. 16. When you have repeated, upsetting thoughts called obsessions.
  10. 17. The act of taking one’s own life voluntarily or intentionally.
  11. 18. people may hear voices, see things that aren’t there of believe that others are reading or controlling their minds.
  12. 19. long-term patterns of unstable or turbulent emotions.
  1. 1. Mental health condition in which a person has a long term pattern of manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others.
  2. 2. Causes panic attacks, which are sudden feelings of terror for no reason.
  3. 5. When people respond to certain situations with fear and dread.
  4. 6. Someone having extreme mood swings that include emotional highs and lows.
  5. 11. lose contact with reality and experience a range of extreme symptoms.
  6. 12. A problem of not being able to focus, being overactive, not being able to control behavior, or a combination of these.
  7. 14. A constant feeling of sadness and loss of interest, which stops you doing your normal activities.