Mental Health

  1. 2. Our emotional, psychological, and social well-being
  2. 5. What Andy had in Woody in Toy Story and what Winnie the Pooh is to Piglet
  3. 8. Very special, unlike anything or anyone else
  4. 10. deserving of regard
  5. 11. Everything that makes you who you are as a person
  6. 15. Expression of joy, more contagious than a yawn
  7. 16. The opposite of reject
  8. 18. To offer someone comfort verbally
  9. 19. Being really excited or interested
  10. 20. A strong feeling such as joy or sadness
  1. 1. The different ways a person's brain processes information
  2. 3. knowledge and understanding of other people
  3. 4. Verbal communication
  4. 6. Mentally calm, quiet and free from disturbance.
  5. 7. Joyful or content, if children know it and want to show they may clap their hands
  6. 9. Continuing trying to do something, even if it is difficult for desire of success
  7. 12. How people with positive characteristics such as generosity, politeness and kindness are usually viewed.
  8. 13. The opposite of having no feeling for others
  9. 14. A card game and a willingness to wait
  10. 17. warm, friendly and easy to drink.