Mental Health

  1. 5. Overwhelming fear
  2. 6. Not agitated
  3. 7. Gradual Healing
  4. 10. Continuous contemplation
  5. 12. Feeling of dread
  6. 15. Intense Joy
  7. 17. Extreme Fatigue
  8. 18. Giving helpful advice
  1. 1. A permanent state of worry
  2. 2. Alert to your surroundings
  3. 3. Expecting the best
  4. 4. Expel air through the lungs
  5. 8. Giving you body energy
  6. 9. Intense Sorrow
  7. 11. Feelings of gloom and inadequacy
  8. 13. To treat an illness
  9. 14. Mental Strain
  10. 16. Health state of mind