Mental Health

  1. 7. A severe chronic psychiatric disorders. Symptoms usually start between the ages of 16 and 30. They include positive signs (hallucinations, delusions, dysfunctional ways of thinking, movement disorders) and negative symptoms (reduced facial expressions, decreased feelings of pleasure in the everyday, trouble starting or continuing with activities, speaking very little).
  2. 9. A disorder where you’re fascinated with fire and may set things on fire, often harming others or destroying property in the process.
  3. 12. A personality disorder have little empathy for others. They’re self-centered and have an excessively elevated self-image.
  4. 14. This mental health condition is a mix of schizophrenic disorder and mood disorder.
  5. 15. A personality disorder, you distrust and are suspicious of others. You erroneously think that others are trying to hurt you or that they’re untrustworthy.
  6. 16. Stressful events, like being in combat or being assaulted, can trigger this disorder
  1. 1. you eat and sometimes binge on food but then purge in an attempt to get rid of the calories you consumed.
  2. 2. Mental disorders that is characterized by persistent sadness.
  3. 3. a mental health challenge in which you have such intense anxiety symptoms that you avoid going to or even thinking about places and situations that bring up feelings like helplessness, embarrassment, or a sense of being threatened.
  4. 4. a mental health problem in which you steal things you don’t need.
  5. 5. mental disorders in which you feel extreme fear caused by a trigger. The trigger could be height, snakes, closed-in spaces, etc.
  6. 6. you eat very little and typically lose weight at a rate that is alarming to your friends and family.
  7. 8. fear of dirt or contamination, doubting, uncertainty, needing things to be symmetrical, thoughts of losing control or harming yourself, unwanted aggressive, sexual, or religious thoughts --- excessive washing and cleaning, checking, counting, strict adherence to a routine, needing constant reassurance.
  8. 10. These mental disorders come with excessive worry, fear, and nervousness.
  9. 11. Symptoms include depressive episodes with any of the depression signs in addition to manic or hypomanic symptoms.
  10. 13. You might feel you need to use the substance many times every day.