Mental Health Awareness Week!

  1. 4. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Home of the White Squirrel
  2. 6. Technique focusing on the present
  3. 9. a disorder that can result in hallucinations, delusions and disordered thinking/behaviour
  4. 11. 3W and Outpatient MH Manager
  5. 13. Workplace, Abbreviation
  6. 14. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Home of the Radar
  7. 15. Father of the Bride Star, Wanted to be a Social Worker, 2 words
  1. 1. Hospital Social Worker in history, Title
  2. 2. Dr. Mark, not Duckworth
  3. 3. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Home of Olympic Skater Eisler
  4. 5. having a tendency to dwell on unwanted thoughts; performing repetitious rituals
  5. 7. goal is to reduce
  6. 8. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Birthplace of Munro
  7. 10. branch of medicine, dx and treatment of mental illness
  8. 12. One of 5 AMGH Mental Health Sites, Beach Town