Mental health & mental illness

  1. 3. worried and anxious
  2. 4. the type of person you are, shown by the way you behave, feel and think
  3. 5. an expert or specialist in psychology
  4. 6. having and expressing strong feelings
  5. 8. the state of feeling very unhappy and without hope for the future
  6. 10. any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a particular disease
  1. 1. an extreme fear or dislike of a particular thing or situation, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained
  2. 2. a false belief
  3. 4. the treatment of mental illness by discussing someone's problems with them, instead of using drugs or operations
  4. 7. the refusal of something requested or desired
  5. 9. a condition of body and mind which typically recurs for several hours every night