Mental Health Month Crossword Puzzle 2021

  1. 3. One in twenty-five people live with a serious ______ illness
  2. 5. 20% of ___ ages 13-18 live with a mental illness
  3. 6. CCHMC department that has awesome mental health employees
  4. 8. National Alliance on Mental Health
  5. 11. Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder acronym
  6. 13. 50% of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin by the age of ___ and 75% by the age of 24
  7. 15. Location of new 5 story psychiatric facility
  8. 16. Mental health month
  1. 1. One in ____ adults experience mental illness in a given year
  2. 2. 10.2 ______ adults have co-occurring mental health and addiction disorders
  3. 4. The second leading cause of death in youth ages 10-24
  4. 7. Psychiatric Intake and Response Center
  5. 9. Study about Adverse Childhood Experiences
  6. 10. Location of the newest partial hospitalization location
  7. 12. 90% of those who die by suicide have underlying _______ illness
  8. 14. 18.1% of American adults live with _______ disorders