Mental Health Stigma in SKR

  1. 3. What happens to K-pop idols in the press if they are caught having a mental illness.
  2. 5. What is needed to address the unethical K-pop industry, despite the potential backlash from media critics.
  3. 7. SME controls all aspects of a K-pop idol's life, including these public appearances.
  4. 10. HEALTH Widely viewed as bad luck and weakness, creating a stigma in Korea.
  5. 12. TO CHANGE The campaign launched in 2009 to end mental health stigma and discrimination.
  6. 14. The term described as the focus on physical features and attractiveness.
  7. 15. An agency mentioned that controls all aspects of a K-pop idol's life.
  8. 16. South Korea is ranked as one of the top countries in terms of this tragic statistic.
  9. 18. Understanding this aspect of Korea, particularly K-pop, is necessary before implementing solutions to end mental health stigma.
  1. 1. The type of environment created by negative stereotypes and biases against mental illnesses.
  2. 2. This entity plays a significant role in creating a toxic environment for people with mental health issues.
  3. 4. A music genre from South Korea that has rapidly become popular worldwide.
  4. 6. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, which ranked South Korea as one of the top in terms of suicide rates.
  5. 8. The type of figure K-pop idols are pressured to maintain.
  6. 9. The disapproval or discrimination against an individual or group based on perceived characteristics.
  7. 11. The organization that reported that 85% of people with severe mental illness in Korea did not receive treatment.
  8. 13. According to Henderson et al., the more people keep their issues _______, the more likely it is for mental health issues to progress.
  9. 17. The type of diets from idols that have major consequences on young fans.