Mental Health

  1. 2. Great difficulty staying focused
  2. 5. The _____ cortex is often the latest part of brain to mature
  3. 6. May be a barrier to get help for mental illness
  4. 8. What refers to negative attitudes to those with mental illness
  5. 12. Stigma becomes a barrier to ______ and treatment
  6. 13. Related to poor body image
  7. 15. Those with this disablity have trouble learning
  8. 17. Mental illnesses often come from the parents making them ______
  9. 18. Pleasure neurotransmitter
  1. 1. ongoing pattern of uncooperation to people in authority
  2. 2. Who is it up to to identify a mental health concern
  3. 3. An example of a biological illness is abnormal levels of ______
  4. 4. Happy neurotransmitter
  5. 7. 3.2% of _____ children have a learning disability
  6. 9. Specific learning disability in reading
  7. 10. Constant state of worry; most common
  8. 11. Most common type of ADHD
  9. 14. Mood disorder
  10. 16. Setting ____ term goals will help a child suffering from ADHD