mental health

  1. 2. looked down on
  2. 4. to be separated from others
  3. 5. using medication to effectively treat issues
  4. 8. uncontrollable feelings of panic
  5. 10. talk therapy
  6. 13. the act of everyone killing themselves close together
  7. 14. compulsive behavior
  8. 15. constant mood swings
  9. 16. changing destructive thoughts
  1. 1. the act of killing yourself
  2. 3. therapy with a group
  3. 6. therapy with your family
  4. 7. uncontrollable feelings of sadness and hopelessness
  5. 9. changing destructive behaviors
  6. 11. constant feelings of uncontrollable panic
  7. 12. disorder a medical condition that effects your brain