Mental Health

  1. 1. Not providing basic needs of a child
  2. 5. Extreme headaches often caused by stress
  3. 7. An Organization that protects against child abuse
  4. 8. Inappropriate contact/touching of a child
  5. 11. Loss touch with reality
  6. 13. Irrational fears
  7. 16. People who have to report abuse
  8. 20. Trouble focusing
  9. 22. A physical or Mental craving for something
  10. 23. People with schizophrenia claim to hear these
  11. 24. Body image problem. Eating then purging
  1. 2. Abuse by verbal constant insults
  2. 3. Often seen before a suicide attempt
  3. 4. Usually increases during the fight/flight response
  4. 6. A great method to deal with stress
  5. 9. Abuse like Punching or kicking a child
  6. 10. The body’s response to a stressor
  7. 12. Preforming repeated tasks
  8. 14. A serious stress-related condition
  9. 15. Can't sit still and/or trouble focusing
  10. 17. Body image problem. Self-starvation
  11. 18. The most common mental illness
  12. 19. A reaction to traumatic stressful event
  13. 21. Extreme Mood swings
  14. 22. Effects cognitive or Social function of a person
  15. 25. System that is weaken by constant stress