mental health

  1. 3. this affects your forensic evaluation
  2. 5. a mood-stabilizer
  3. 7. when your senses play "tricks" on you
  4. 11. this is a symptom of mania
  5. 13. a pre-symptom, something telling you that you're going to get sick again
  6. 16. an antipsychotic medication
  7. 17. something in the environment that may lead to relapse
  1. 1. an antipsychotic medication
  2. 2. a false belief
  3. 4. an anti-depressant medication
  4. 6. a type of thinking that does not make sense
  5. 8. when you have no movement
  6. 9. a sign that you are sick
  7. 10. you should follow these in the hospital and community
  8. 12. a mood-stabilizer
  9. 14. the person who signs a conditional release (NGI)
  10. 15. the most important person on the treatment team