Mental Illness

  1. 1. Many times people who experience impulse control disorder are unable to resist the temptation to act in a way that is ________ to themselves or to others.
  2. 3. Physical factors such as damage to the brain from an injury, are one of the three ______ of mental illness.
  3. 8. Washing your hands over and over again when they are already clean is an ________ behavior.
  4. 11. Fear/anxiety related to a specific situation or object
  5. 12. Mental illness affects a person's ability to ________ in their daily life.
  6. 13. Panic attacks cause _______ symptoms
  7. 14. Anxiety disorder that does not have a specific source
  1. 2. One in every ____ adults suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.
  2. 4. Disorder defined by severe disturbances in thinking, mood, awareness, and behavior
  3. 5. Post-traumatic stress disorder can cause ______ that produce intense fear or horror.
  4. 6. Disorder in which a person displays rigid patterns of behavior
  5. 7. Can put you at a greater risk of developing a mental illness
  6. 9. These kinds of life experiences are one of causes of mental illness.
  7. 10. Obsessive compulsive disorder involves feeling driven to perform __________ acts in attempt to ease stress that keeps coming back.