Mental Illness

  1. 1. scared of tight or small places
  2. 3. strong fear of objects or situations that do not really pose much danger
  3. 8. moments of intense fear
  4. 9. people who experience serious changes in the way they feel
  5. 12. people who have difficulty paying attention and controlling behavior have this syndrome
  6. 14. a disorder that makes people extremely happy or angry
  7. 15. people who experience ongoing negative feelings have major ____________ disorder
  8. 16. scared of heights
  1. 2. people who live through a terrifying event may develop ________________ stress disorder
  2. 4. scared of spiders
  3. 5. experience anxiety about parts of their lives that they cannot control is called ___________ __________ disorder
  4. 6. condition in which someone responds with extreme or unrealistic fear and dread to certain situations, experiences, or objects
  5. 7. feel anxious or afraid in social situations
  6. 10. _____________ illness occurs when a mental health condition does not go away and becomes so severe that it interferes with daily functioning
  7. 11. many symptoms of ADHD are also seen in people with _________ ________ disorders.
  8. 13. people with repeatable, uncontrollable thoughts, feelings, and behaviors