Mental Illness Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. Swings Going from being happy to sad.
  2. 4. Treatment to help relieve a disorder.
  3. 5. The branch of medicine concerned with diagnosing and treating mental illness.
  4. 7. To treat in an overbearing or intimidating manner.
  5. 9. The act of taking ones own life voluntarily.
  6. 11. A state of psychic tension occurring in some forms of mental disorder.
  7. 12. A chronic condition including attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness
  8. 13. Shock An illness caused by witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event,
  9. 15. Post-traumatic stress disorder.
  10. 18. used as a basis for a legal compensation claim.
  11. 19. Unstable, goes from joyful to angry quickly
  12. 20. disorder, A way of thinking, feeling behaving that stray from expectations of the culture.
  1. 1. Disorder A tendency to dwell on unwanted thoughts and perform repetitive rituals.
  2. 3. Breakdown A mental condition in which you are so upset or so unhappy that you cannot look after yourself.
  3. 6. A mental illness that brings severe high and low moods and changes in sleep, energy, thinking, and behavior.
  4. 8. Sadness or gloom
  5. 9. A disorder that affects a person's ability to think, feel and behave clearly.
  6. 10. disorder Abnormal or disturbed eating habits.
  7. 14. Disorder Maladjusted emotional reactions that are inappropriate.
  8. 15. An extreme fear of something.
  9. 16. mental illness marked by periods of great excitement or euphoria, delusions, and overactivity, extremely elevated and excitable mood usually associated with bipolar disorder.
  10. 17. A state of mental strain resulting in demanding circumstances.