Mental Mysteries

  1. 2. Makes Asia run for cover
  2. 5. Briar boss
  3. 7. Meth on the run
  4. 9. Where Morse lays his head
  5. 12. Dinosaurs from the east
  6. 15. Hijinks happen here-2 words
  7. 16. To leave with a spring in your step
  8. 18. Guru of the grape
  9. 20. Sidekick to the grey cells master
  10. 22. Players need to cross this line
  11. 23. Not to be used on nails
  12. 24. The itch she loves to scratch
  1. 1. Where you keep your goat at school
  2. 3. He loves his brush brothers
  3. 4. Doggo wants to run them down-2 words
  4. 6. Captain on the ice
  5. 8. To achieve a goal
  6. 10. Will the fire endure?
  7. 11. What you are breaking
  8. 13. An animal on the course
  9. 14. The green is master here
  10. 17. Murderous villages
  11. 19. Keeper of the marvelous moustache
  12. 21. Not the fire breathing kind