Mercury and Venus

  1. 1. It is a world that has both hot and cold extremes of temperature.
  2. 3. Latin word that means crowns that were probably made by hot, rising plumes of mantle rock.
  3. 5. It forced the mercury into an unusual rotational pattern.
  4. 9. The clouds in Venus is made up of this substance, which is made from sulfur dioxide.
  5. 11. He was one of the first astronomers to observe the planet Mercury through the use of a telescope.
  6. 12. It is the reason why Venus do not have plate tectonics since it is much stronger and thicker than the Earth's.
  1. 2. A type of rock that is rich in carbon dioxide and oxygen.
  2. 4. The molecule that is outgassed in Venus.
  3. 6. This is the most surprising feature of mercury that appear to be distributed all over the planet.
  4. 7. The only ongoing geological change on the Moon with a very slow process.
  5. 8. Largest impact craters.
  6. 10. It is used to study the geological features of Venus.