Mesoamerican Civilization

  1. 3. Jade, obsidian, seashells, and shark teeth are 4 natural ______________ found in Mesoamerica.
  2. 6. Type of corn grown by Mesoamerican and Native American civilizations.
  3. 7. Ms. Stone had a baby ________!
  4. 8. Volcanic glass that is a natural resource found in Mesoamerica.
  1. 1. The climate in Mesoamerica was hot and ___________.
  2. 2. Region of southern Mexico and much of central America.
  3. 4. Green mineral used as ornamental stone for jewelry and carving.
  4. 5. Mesoamerica means ___________-America.
  5. 9. Fertile ________ was ideal for growing crops and farming.