Mesopotamia Achievements and Politics

  1. 2. Type of government with a single king or queen as the ruler.
  2. 5. Political unit with a city and the surrounding area
  3. 8. World’s first system of writing
  4. 10. The Mesopotamians used ______, a mixture of copper and tin, to make better weapons and materials than older stone tools.
  5. 11. Cyrus was able to grow and maintain the Persian Empire because he allowed the people he conquered to keep their independent religions and customs.(True or false)
  6. 12. Society, culture, and way of life in a particular region
  7. 13. Created world's first empire.
  8. 15. Wheeled, horse-drawn cart used in battle
  9. 16. Many kings in Mesopotamia claimed that their authority over their people came from which source?
  10. 17. ___ seals were used to sign documents and for identification.
  11. 18. Which group of people were responsible for creating one of the first versions of the alphabet?
  12. 19. Pyramid-shaped temple tower
  13. 20. Large region of rich farmland near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea
  1. 1. The tools scribes used to write in cuneiform were a stylus and ________ tablet.
  2. 3. Famous collection of 282 written laws that governed Babylonian society
  3. 4. The Sumerians originally used cuneiform to keep track of business______.
  4. 6. True or False: The lunar calendar and base-60 system were both Mesopotamian inventions that helped keep track of time.
  5. 7. Which group of people were the first to build city-states in Mesopotamia and live in the Fertile Crescent?
  6. 9. Method of supplying water to an area of land or crops
  7. 14. Territories and groups of people from different lands under a single rule