Mesopotamia Study Guide (S,B,A)

  1. 2. pyramid shaped temple with steps
  2. 6. Built around cities for protection
  3. 10. Sumerian first writing done in clay
  4. 11. Nebuchadnezzar created for his wife
  5. 12. Euphrates and this river in Mesopotamia
  6. 13. Capital of Babylonia
  7. 14. Established first set of written laws
  8. 16. Warriors who built an empire and roads
  9. 19. area from Persian Gulf to Med. Sea
  10. 20. Rivers did this which deposited fertile soil
  1. 1. ditch to bring water from river to farmland
  2. 3. Present day country located in Mesopotamia
  3. 4. Sumerian king who was seeking immortality
  4. 5. First civilizations along this river
  5. 7. good fro growing
  6. 8. cultures with one leader and government
  7. 9. Capital of Assyria
  8. 10. independent areas with own ruler and military
  9. 15. belief in more than one god
  10. 17. bringing water to crops
  11. 18. Sum. invented for pottery and vehicles