
  1. 2. Advanced state of human society with a government and society hierarchy.
  2. 6. Exchanging goods and services for other goods and services.
  3. 9. A family where the father is the centerpiece or a male dominated society.
  4. 11. Two parallel rivers in turkey, syria, and iraq.
  5. 14. A religious temple, was the centerpiece of all Mesopotamian city-states.
  6. 15. An earthen embankment designed to prevent a from overflowing it's banks or a bank of earth used to separate farm land.
  7. 16. person who writes and or copies books.
  8. 17. Landform that is flat or mostly flat, typically good for farming.
  9. 20. Also known as the fertile crescent; the first powerful human civilization.
  1. 1. Taming of plants and animals primary as a source of food or to help with labor tasks.
  2. 3. Another term for farming, controlling the planting and growing of a food source.
  3. 4. A city that operates like a small independant country complete with a religion, language, and government
  4. 5. The belief in many gods.
  5. 7. One of the early forms of written text- record keeping.
  6. 8. Is another name for a god, or someone with god-like powers.
  7. 10. Location where civilization first began, in modern day turkey, syria, and iraq.
  8. 12. To bring water to an area for farming.
  9. 13. Anything found in nature used to meet people's needs.
  10. 18. Any skilled manual worker (craftsman)
  11. 19. The long term pattern or temperature and rainfall in a location.