
  1. 2. Reality Virtual reality's immersive sibling
  2. 5. This technology underpins the metaverse's economy, allowing for secure and decentralized transactions.
  3. 7. This type of reality is a hybrid of both VR and AR, creating immersive environments with real-world elements
  4. 8. A term used to describe user-owned virtual spaces or assets, secured by blockchain technology
  5. 10. A process or activity where users create, buy, and sell virtual land and assets
  1. 1. Virtual tokens used for transactions within the metaverse, often based on cryptocurrency technology.
  2. 3. Essential metaverse gear for a deep dive into virtual worlds.
  3. 4. AI method used to create highly realistic virtual characters and environments by learning from large datasets.
  4. 6. The term for a fully digital universe where users live, work, and play.
  5. 9. Popular mobile game that brought AR into the mainstream, featuring pocket monsters in the real world.