
  1. 6. System, helps take in Oxygen
  2. 8. System, helps take molecules to Cells.
  3. 9. Large molecule we get from food such as bread.
  4. 12. How we transform large molecules to energy
  5. 13. Small molecule we get from breakdown of Starch
  6. 14. System, helps us break food for cells.
  1. 1. Smallest unit of life, and gives off energy
  2. 2. The ability to do work
  3. 3. Starts breaking food into molecule
  4. 4. acid, Small molecule from breakdown of protein
  5. 5. takes molecules to Circulatory system
  6. 7. Large molecule we get from food such as eggs.
  7. 10. Air molecule we breath and use for energy
  8. 11. Part of cell that gives off energy