
  1. 1. The body's use of molecules for energy and growth
  2. 4. These are sent throughout the body to grow and repair cells
  3. 6. The "brain" of a neuron
  4. 8. The "arms" of a neuron
  5. 11. The "tail" of a neuron
  6. 13. The chemical that carries the neuron message
  7. 14. The system that sends and receives messages to and from the brain
  8. 15. The main organ of the nervous system
  9. 16. The system that breaks down large food molecules
  10. 17. The illness that has a lack of red blood cells
  11. 18. The main organ of the digestive system
  12. 20. The main organ of the circulatory system
  1. 2. The main organ of the respiratory system
  2. 3. The system that transports oxygen throughout the body
  3. 5. The space between two neurons
  4. 7. These break down large food molecules
  5. 9. The system that brings in oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide through the lungs
  6. 10. Another name for a brain cell
  7. 12. The "gatekeeper" to the cell for glucose to enter
  8. 16. The illness that doesn't make enough insulin
  9. 19. The illness that causes the lungs to swell