Metabolism Review

  1. 2. The _______ system delivers molecules to cells in the body.
  2. 5. With this condition, your body does not make enough red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body.
  3. 7. Asthma attacks can be triggered by dust and ________.
  4. 8. With this condition, you struggle with breathing a lot more than other people and can't get enough oxygen to your cells.
  5. 12. Multiple amino acids together form...
  6. 13. Starch is the ________ molecule in the scale tool.
  7. 15. Cells can only use molecules that are ________ enough to pass through the cell membrane.
  8. 18. In this condition, your body does not produce enough insulin and cannot break down glucose properly.
  9. 19. If a person has diabetes, their glucose often gets ________ in their circulatory system.
  10. 20. Alexandria had to get a _______ transfusion to filter out the sickle shaped cells in her circulatory system
  11. 21. A special type of anemia that changes the shape of your red blood cells is called ________ cell anemia.
  12. 22. Bones of the spine.
  1. 1. The ______ system breaks down large molecules into smaller molecules.
  2. 3. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying this molecule throughout the body.
  3. 4. When multiple glucose molecules combine, they form...
  4. 6. People with asthma sometimes use an _______ to treat their symptoms.
  5. 9. Asthma causes the _______ in the lungs to close up.
  6. 10. People with anemia sometimes take pills filled with ________.
  7. 11. Molecules are _______ than cells.
  8. 14. It is important for all of the systems in the body to work _______ to transport the necessary molecules to cells.
  9. 15. If a blood vessel gets blocked in the brain, it could cause a ________.
  10. 16. With a _______ injury, your body does not make enough digestive enzymes to break down food.
  11. 17. This molecule should never be in our cells (shown with a purple square in the Metabolism simulation).
  12. 18. Dr. Grace O'Connell wants to find a way to create new _______ tissue to cushion the spine.
  13. 23. This patient is sleepy all of the time.