Metabolism Vocab

  1. 4. claim supported by evidence
  2. 6. A proposed answer to a question
  3. 10. Meat has a lot of it
  4. 11. Explaining your evidence
  5. 13. This happens when something is moving
  6. 16. the body system that takes in food and breaks it down
  7. 17. chemical reaction between oxygen and glucose
  8. 18. interacting parts forming a complex whole
  9. 19. Liquid, gas, solid
  1. 1. A molecule that organisms can use to release energy it's made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms
  2. 2. atoms rearrange to form new substances
  3. 3. The body's use of molecules for energy and growth
  4. 5. building blocks of proteins
  5. 7. A system in the body that transports molecules
  6. 8. A system that that takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide
  7. 9. carbon, and oxygen atoms
  8. 12. You breathe it
  9. 14. Imfromation to support or go against a claim
  10. 15. energy storage molecule