Methodists among the Mormons

  1. 2. Co-founder of Methodist Episcopal Church in 1784
  2. 3. Senior Pastor of CUMC
  3. 5. Co-founder of Methodist Episcopal Church in 1784
  4. 6. Gentile capitol of Utah(unofficial)
  5. 7. Transcontinental railroad completed here in 1869
  6. 10. Associate Pastor of CUMC
  7. 12. bible totin Methodist explorer,trapper and mountain man
  8. 15. First Founding members of the First United Methodist Church met here
  9. 17. Member of Women's Society which provided a refuge for abandoned plural wives and their children
  1. 1. Largest Methodist Church in Utah in1891
  2. 4. Methodists played a leading role in Utah's free public ------ system
  3. 6. early Methodist preachers
  4. 8. faith of first two Mormon presidents before conversion
  5. 9. organized Rocky Mountain Seminary
  6. 11. delivered first Methodist sermon in the Tabernacle
  7. 13. Father of Methodism in Utah
  8. 14. Over 500 attended Methodist school in 1890 .Only 250 were Protestants
  9. 16. Founded Liberty Park Methodist Episcopal Church which became C.U.M.C