Methods of Teaching English

  1. 2. - grammar studies structures of various levels of the language (morpheme level) and syntactical level
  2. 7. - In this approach pupils learn those grammar items which they need for immediate use either in oral or written language.
  3. 8. - By working in pairs pupils get an opportunity to ...
  4. 10. - in teaching Vocabulary the stage of teaching (junior, intermediate, senior), the size of the class, the time and the qualifications of the teacher is a … factor.
  1. 1. - is the mental system of rules and categories that allows humans to form and interpret the words and sentences of their language.
  2. 3. - …are designed for developing pupils ability to discriminate sounds and sequences
  3. 4. - grammar studies the forms of words (morphology) and how they are put together in sentences (syntax)
  4. 5. - It is impossible to assimilate language skills (speaking, reading, writing, listening) without the knowledge of…
  5. 6. - the number of words pupils should acquire in schools depends wholly on
  6. 9. - in this approach pupils learn a grammar item used in situations.