Metrolink Crossword 2023

  1. 6. We pride ourselves on being Southern California's ________ rail system
  2. 7. The three Metro Los Angeles train lines you can transfer to for free (in alphabetical order)
  3. 8. The only Metrolink station starting with the letter T
  4. 9. The only Metrolink station starting with the letter G
  5. 10. Metrolink CEO Darren ______
  6. 13. Holiday Express Train location in San Bernardino County
  7. 16. The only Metrolink station starting and ending with the same letter
  8. 17. Assists passengers onboard the trains and checks Metrolink fares
  9. 18. Month in which Metrolink's Customer Appreciation Day is celebrated
  10. 20. The city in which three Metrolink lines meet, two of which are 91/PV and IEOC
  11. 21. Free fare holiday in April
  12. 22. The best line to take to Redlands
  1. 1. Free fare day in October, California _____ ___ Day
  2. 2. Holiday Express Train location in Ventura County
  3. 3. Free fare day in February: _______ _____ Day
  4. 4. Students can ride Metrolink for free with our Student _________ Pass
  5. 5. Our newest station
  6. 11. Your friendly Metrolink train operator
  7. 12. Holiday Express Train location in Los Angeles County
  8. 14. EBT cardholders can get a 50% discount on Metrolink tickets via our "________-4-All" initiative
  9. 15. Holiday Express Train location in Riverside County
  10. 19. The only Metrolink station starting with the letter U