Mexican Foods at #Chilipawty

  1. 2. Mashed avocado dip with herbs and spices.
  2. 4. Complex sauce with chili, chocolate, and spices.
  3. 6. Steamed corn dough pockets with fillings.
  4. 8. Thick stuffed cornmeal pockets.
  5. 11. Folded tortillas with fillings like meat or beans.
  6. 14. Fresh salsa with tomatoes, onions, and cilantro.
  7. 15. Tender, braised pork used in tacos.
  8. 16. Tortilla chips topped with cheese, jalapenos, and more.
  9. 17. Deep-fried burrito with fillings.
  10. 18. Thick corn tortillas topped with meat and veggies.
  11. 19. Tomato-based sauce with onions, chili, and cilantro.
  1. 1. Tortillas filled with cheese, grilled or fried.
  2. 3. Fried or baked turnovers with savory fillings.
  3. 5. Large tortillas filled with beans, meat, and veggies.
  4. 7. Sweet rice or almond milk beverage.
  5. 9. Rolled tortillas with fillings, topped with sauce.
  6. 10. Slow-cooked meat, often shredded for tacos.
  7. 12. Fried dough pastries coated in sugar.
  8. 13. Grilled meat or veggies served with tortillas.
  9. 14. Hearty soup with hominy, meat, and spices.