MGMT281 Crossword - Grace Lim

  1. 6. Type of research where there is no or little earlier studies to refer to.
  2. 7. A thing that is known or proved to be true.
  3. 8. This type of research assumes there is no absolute truth. It is typically inductive and qualitative.
  4. 9. A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena.
  5. 11. Type of data that is measured by the quality of the object of study.
  6. 12. ______ research assumes a knowable truth. It is typically deductive and quantitative.
  7. 14. A set of assumptions or shared understandings about how things work or how something is viewed.
  8. 15. This type of research starts with a theory and you either confirm or reject it.
  1. 1. ______ research is used to identify the elements of a situation/subject being studied.
  2. 2. Based on, concerned with or verifiable by observation or experience.
  3. 3. Data in numerical form.
  4. 4. ______ research helps model and forecast the future based on evidence of cause and effect.
  5. 5. This type of research aims to analyse and evaluate a situation/subject by answering why and how questions.
  6. 10. Moral principles that govern the conducting of an activity. This must be considered when conducting research.
  7. 13. This type of research is useful when performing exploratory research, where there is no existing understanding or theory to guide the inquiry. A theory will be the product of this research.