MHAW Crossword

  1. 2. to drink water or consume combined elements with water
  2. 4. f******
  3. 5. monday
  4. 8. friday
  5. 11. getting enough ***** is important for your mental health
  6. 12. talking to a t******** is one way to support your mental health
  7. 14. to maintain contact with others
  8. 16. w*******
  9. 17. eating healthy foods and staying physically ****** can support your mental health
  10. 18. extreme worry or pressure can cause *******
  11. 19. wednesday
  1. 1. taking a deep ****** can help you calm down
  2. 2. activities you enjoy
  3. 3. to place confidence and belief in a person or thing
  4. 4. number of proven tools to boost mental health
  5. 6. k*******
  6. 7. month of MHAW
  7. 9. Mental Health Awareness Week
  8. 10. a technique in which one focuses ones full attention only on the present, experiencing thoughts, feelings and sensations
  9. 13. tuesday
  10. 14. thursday
  11. 15. stretching and meditating practice