Mi Amour

  1. 4. smooth; agreeable; polite
  2. 6. not clear; hidden; covered
  3. 8. shining brilliantly, glowing
  4. 10. false statements; myths
  5. 15. fawning; flattering; obedient
  6. 16. silence; holding back something
  7. 19. assuming too much; forward
  8. 20. dependable; loyal; strong
  9. 21. weakness, incapacity
  10. 23. heartfelt; affecting or moving the emotions
  1. 1. dignified property of behavior
  2. 2. generous bestowal of gifts
  3. 3. strong amorous feeling or emotion
  4. 5. to make a mistake
  5. 7. act of kindness; charitable gift
  6. 9. avoid commitment; mislead; ambiguous
  7. 11. exceptional personal charm
  8. 12. excessive devotion strong admiration
  9. 13. become weak; fade
  10. 14. someone who boasts; bragging
  11. 17. faithfulness to commitments; devoted feeling
  12. 18. a letter
  13. 19. controversial agreement
  14. 22. lonely; sad; without hope
  15. 24. prevent from accomplishing a purpose, frustrate