
  1. 2. obvious hobby
  2. 9. favorite game
  3. 13. favorite class
  4. 14. favorite drink
  5. 15. least favorite drink
  6. 17. favorite animal
  7. 18. secret hobby
  8. 19. least favorite thing to have to draw
  9. 20. favorite food
  10. 21. least favorite food
  1. 1. favorite song artist
  2. 3. biggest fear
  3. 4. favorite sport
  4. 5. favorite activity
  5. 6. hair color
  6. 7. best class
  7. 8. middle name
  8. 10. defensive position
  9. 11. worst attribute
  10. 12. favorite show
  11. 16. favorite track event
  12. 19. something I hate