Michael Jackson

  1. 4. What’s the name of his private residence?
  2. 5. Who is“copying” Michael Jackson now?gary Where he was born?
  3. 6. How many groups was Michael a member?
  4. 8. What’s the name of his autobiography?
  5. 9. How people call Michael Jackson
  6. 11. Which Michael Jackson’s album is the most famous?
  7. 12. what disease did he has?
  8. 13. who killed Michael Jackson?
  1. 1. what’s his son’s name?
  2. 2. Which song talks about the supremacy of whites over blacks?
  3. 3. what’s his daughter’s name?
  4. 6. what day he passed away?
  5. 7. which song says “Who’s Bad”?
  6. 9. which song is perfect for Halloween?
  7. 10. How is called Michael Jackson’s 45° inclination?
  8. 14. what was his favourite colour?