Michelle's Lab Safety Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. tie _______is used to tie your hair is ok.
  2. 4. in lab and must be token out this is called a ______.
  3. 7. kit-In case of emergency you need a ______ to
  4. 8. When doing experiments for you to protect eyes.
  5. 9. a wound or if you accidently get hurt.
  6. 10. shower When some chemicals get on eyes/body itits called_________.
  7. 11. food ______ During science because it can spill
  8. 12. not without permission When you are told to do
  9. 14. attentive when you are doing lab you need to be _______.
  1. 2. tells you something to do about a new
  2. 3. Use the fire _______ to put out small fires
  3. 5. its called ________
  4. 6. broken glass ______ Sometimes glass can break do not
  5. 7. This is used when hazardous fumes or vapor.
  6. 13. you may ask to do something it called _________.