Michigan's Natural Resources

  1. 1. a type of animal that lives in the water.
  2. 3. used to make long lasting structures
  3. 5. a place where many trees grow.
  4. 8. a source of power
  5. 9. a type of rock made out of bits of animal shells.
  6. 11. greenish fruit
  7. 13. living things that aren’t human or animals.
  8. 14. type of wet biome
  9. 15. a common substance, calcium sulfate
  10. 16. loose rock particles
  11. 17. small red fruit
  1. 2. Dunes lots of sand, located in Michigan
  2. 3. a reddish metal/element
  3. 4. a substance that turns purple at room temperature.
  4. 6. used for food
  5. 7. southern American plant
  6. 10. a type of beet.
  7. 12. a colorful fruit that grows on trees.