Microbiology history & Scientific Method

  1. 3. the more tame version of smallpox that milkmaids often had that had a low mortality rate
  2. 5. from what did penicillin come from
  3. 11. this type of infection is acquired in a healthcare facility
  4. 13. A tool for answering questions
  5. 14. where two or more scientists have to get the same experimental results independently.
  6. 15. the little boy to first ever receive a vaccine it was for smallpox
  7. 18. the normal bacteria living on and in you
  8. 20. Created germ theory; studied cholera and its transmissions.
  9. 22. Dedicated his whole life to proving Spontaneous Generation
  1. 1. the microbiologist that discovered what caused anthrax, Tb, and Cholera
  2. 2. will stain purple on the gram stain test
  3. 4. Discovered penicillin by accident
  4. 6. Nurse and reformer, founded first nursing school
  5. 7. outside the domain of science ( values, religon, or art)
  6. 8. when nonscience claims to be science
  7. 9. Influenced by feelings and prejudices; biased
  8. 10. the correct way to be as objective as possible during an experiment
  9. 12. an infectious disease causing mass disfiguration that was irradicated by Edward Jenner
  10. 16. The worlds greatest microbiologist (created pasteurization)
  11. 17. Founded by Gerhard Domagk it was a red dye called prontosil
  12. 19. Not influenced by feelings, or prejudices; unbiased
  13. 21. will stain pink on the gram stain test