microscopic life

  1. 1. a type of virus that causes skin irritation
  2. 5. makes own energy
  3. 7. mix of fungi and bacteria
  4. 8. eeeee
  5. 10. has nucleus
  6. 12. both living and nonliving
  7. 16. no nucleus
  8. 20. circle shaped
  9. 22. single celled protist
  10. 25. one celled
  11. 26. spiral shaped
  12. 27. eats other creatures
  13. 28. decompose things
  14. 29. live in water
  15. 31. ways to destroy a bad bacteria
  1. 2. harmfuly lives off of other creature
  2. 3. plant like protists
  3. 4. type of fungi used in medicine
  4. 6. 1st creatures to show up after disasters
  5. 9. anything that causes disease
  6. 11. protist fungi
  7. 13. how fungi reproduce
  8. 14. a way to keep youreself from being sick by a virus
  9. 15. the carrier of the virus
  10. 17. a massive spread of a disease
  11. 18. multi celled
  12. 19. a vast connection of fungi
  13. 21. a type of fungi that is unicellular
  14. 23. decomposes nonliving material
  15. 24. process of a cell splitting in two
  16. 30. rod shaped