  1. 1. The Swedes settled in this lower valley region.
  2. 4. These were used by Pennsylvanians to get their goods across the Alleghenies.
  3. 8. This group still practices old European farming techniques and social customs.
  4. 11. Along with the Germans, the ______-_______ settled in Pennsylvania.
  5. 12. The sandy soils of the Coastal plains,the long growing seasons, and the favorable weather helped for the development of this.
  6. 13. Pennsylvania is now nicknamed the ________ state.
  7. 14. This fruit was very significant in Delaware.
  8. 16. This PA city became the gateway to the Western frontier.
  9. 17. This fertilizes the sandy soils for truck farming.
  10. 18. One of Anthracite's competitors that lead to its downfall.
  11. 21. This was produced by the Pennsylvania Dutch.
  1. 2. This group of Europeans settled on Long Island, near New Jersey, and Maryland.
  2. 3. Another group who still practices old European farming techniques and social customs.
  3. 5. What group of Pennsylvanians invented these wagons?
  4. 6. Group of people who settled in Hudson River Valley and New Amsterdam.
  5. 7. This PA city grew as a prominent grain-shipping port.
  6. 9. These were an essential fruit grown in New Jersey's bog areas.
  7. 10. Region in which this crossword is on.
  8. 15. Anthracite's other competitor that lead to its downfall.
  9. 19. This coal became a favorite fuel in the iron industry.
  10. 20. This characteristic made Anthracite a favorite fuel.