Mid Term Review Quiz 1

  1. 5. _____are the standard of conduct required by society.
  2. 8. Worker can fall if vertical distance more than.
  3. 12. Used in class for Structural Courses.
  4. 13. Where can we find seismic information?
  5. 17. Published the National Building Code.
  6. 18. Employer must ensure that Workers are not subject at work site.
  7. 19. ASET Principle that promotes health and safety within the workplace.
  8. 22. Minimum time to retain first Aid records.
  9. 27. The code of ethics is not a ______ obligation
  10. 29. Report to me in case of collapse of hoist.(4 words)
  11. 31. First Aid requirements can be found here.
  12. 34. _______are used to enforce OHS regulations by health and safety officers.
  13. 35. Fire safety for demolition of existing buildings.
  14. 36. Sanitary facility requirements at Site.
  15. 38. Latest edition of NBC-AE
  16. 40. Purpose of guidelines for interpretation of Code of Ethics.
  17. 43. Incharge at work-site.
  18. 45. Protect workers if excavation is deeper than__________.
  19. 46. NBC-AE is enacted by __________(3 words)
  20. 47. The ASET Code of Ethics states that members shall conduct themselves with fairness, honesty, _______ and good faith towards clients, colleagues and others.
  21. 48. Fire Safety plans are established under__________(3 words)
  22. 49. Is more effective for hazard control compared to PPE.
  23. 50. Future of STEM Depends on________.
  1. 1. Worker must report(2 words).
  2. 2. Must be in a written format to identify hazards.(2 words)
  3. 3. NBC is revised every ___.
  4. 4. Use me for protection against falling from height.
  5. 6. Number of parts of Occupational Health and Safety legislation in Alberta?
  6. 7. Basic Worker Rights(3 Words)
  7. 9. Self-employed persons are_____ under OHS Act.
  8. 10. should be investigated even the unreported ones. (2 words)
  9. 11. Objectives of Investigations in OHS.
  10. 14. Regulation of building construction is the responsibility of________.
  11. 15. Which principle governs to maintain integrity towards clients and avoiding Conflict of Interest.
  12. 16. Contains administrative provisions of NBC.
  13. 20. Number of Parts in Division B of NBC-AE.
  14. 21. _______are unpaid workers in OHS Act.
  15. 23. Purpose of NBC(3 words)
  16. 24. Small employer with developed health and safety program with standards.
  17. 25. Factor to determine First Aid requirement. (2 words)
  18. 26. Technologists are self-Regulated in Alberta.
  19. 28. Leash for prevention against falling.
  20. 30. Tag me red if unsafe to use.
  21. 32. Latest edition of NBC
  22. 33. Smallest Organizational structure of NBC used to refer to provisions.
  23. 36. Installed top to down to prevent soil collapse.
  24. 37. Immediate and temporary Care.
  25. 39. Percentage victim surcharge for tickets.
  26. 41. Part of NBCC that deals with housing and small buildings?
  27. 42. OHS Act is administered by_______ in Alberta.
  28. 44. Health and Safety Committee must contain at least