Mid-Year Review Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. abolitionist that led raids during "Bleeding Kansas" and on the armory at Harper's Ferry
  2. 2. invented the cotton gin and interchangeable parts for guns
  3. 5. The American victory in this conflict reaffirmed US independence
  4. 7. 1st successful English settlement in North America
  5. 10. first state to secede from the Union
  6. 12. British forces here were surrendered by Lord Cornwallis
  7. 14. Dutch colony that became New York
  8. 15. issued after Union victory at Antietam; freed all slaves
  9. 17. secret group that harassed British tax agents
  10. 19. this attempt to balance power between free and slave states led to "Bleeding Kansas"
  11. 21. Union campaign to gain control of the Mississippi River and split the Confederacy in half
  12. 22. policy of US opposition to any European interference in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere
  13. 24. territory acquired from France in 1803
  14. 25. deal brokered by Henry Clay and Daniel Webster to balance free and slave states
  15. 27. POTUS during Reconstruction that was impeached and nearly removed from office
  16. 29. religious movement in late colonial period
  17. 30. Amendments 1-10
  18. 32. POTUS during the Civil War
  19. 36. established 1st government of the United States
  20. 37. established the process territories would go through to become a state
  21. 39. Vice President that led the Nullification Crisis
  22. 41. commander of Confederate Army
  23. 42. maintained the balance between slave states and free states with the admission of Missouri and Maine
  24. 43. 3rd President of the United States
  25. 44. led "March to the Sea"
  26. 45. colony whose name means "Penn's Woods"
  27. 46. commander of Union Army
  28. 47. turning point in the Civil War
  1. 1. wrote US Constitution, later 4th POTUS
  2. 3. region of colonies founded by Pilgrims and Puritans
  3. 4. attack hear was the beginning of the Civil War
  4. 6. promoted more participation in politics from the common man; also gave the Presidency more power than other government offices
  5. 8. lesgislate in colonial Virginia
  6. 9. president of the Confederate States of America
  7. 11. this battle the most Americans killed on a single day ever, record still stands
  8. 13. signed July 4, 1776
  9. 16. belief that the US was destined to expand westward to the Pacific coast.
  10. 18. laws in former Confederate states intended to keep Africans Americans in a state of near slavery
  11. 20. killed in a duel with Aaron Burr
  12. 23. 1st POTUS and commander of the Continental Army
  13. 26. wrote Common Sense
  14. 28. Robert E. Lee surrendered his army here, effectively ending the Civil War
  15. 31. conflict between British and French/Indians for control of North America
  16. 33. French colony in what is now Canada
  17. 34. this agreement settled the disputed results of the election of 1876 and ended Reconstruction
  18. 35. first tax levied on colonists to pay for French and Indian War
  19. 38. period after the Civil War in which former Confederate states were occupied and then brought back into the US
  20. 40. agricultural system that replaced the plantation system in the South