MIddle Age Crossword

  1. 3. a duty or commitment
  2. 5. the code of honor of a knight ( rule and manners), including courtesy, generosity, valor and ability to fight.
  3. 6. Powerful landowner who serves the king.
  4. 8. to give your loyalty. You would fight or send men to fight if the king needed them and you would take care of the serfs working the land.
  5. 13. Carta A document that limited the power of the monarchy in Medieval England. Bad King John of England was forced to sign this document so he would stop illegally imprisoning people and protect the churches/people's rights.
  6. 16. activities or other things that does not have to do with religion. No religious or spiritual basis
  7. 17. Something considered sacred or has holy significance.
  8. 19. King of the Franks and a strong military leader who helped control and unite Western Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire.
  9. 20. Anything having to do with the Middle Ages.
  10. 25. A program to exterminate, drive away or control people based on their membership to a religious, ethnic, social or racial group.
  11. 26. Leader of the Roman Catholic Church, "Father of the Church".
  12. 28. to be excluded from all church activities. Punishment for not following the church's laws.
  13. 29. A peasant who lived and worked on the manor of a lord or vassal, they also lived on a plot of land were required to work for the lord of the manor who owned that land, and in return were entitled to protection.
  1. 1. A vassal who is trained in combat who fought on behalf of lords.
  2. 2. a person or thing worthy of worship or declared holy
  3. 4. Church Religion that spread throughout Europe. Was the only source of education during the Middle Ages.
  4. 7. referring to all the people ordained for religious duties in the church (examples: monks, priests, the pope).
  5. 9. A person who works for another in order to learn a trade or skill.
  6. 10. Any military expeditions undertaken by the Christians of Europe in the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries for the recovery of the Holy Land (Jerusalem) from Muslims. For majority it is an expedition for land and conquest of riches.
  7. 11. (Manorialism) An economic system based on the manor and lands including a village and surrounding farmland which were given by a lord. It developed during the Middle Ages to increase agricultural production.
  8. 12. Not being able to defend or protect from attack, showing weakness, open to attack.
  9. 14. A less wealthy noble who paid taxes and served a lord in exchange for land.
  10. 15. field system a system of farming developed in medieval Europe, in which farm land was divided into three fields of equal size and each of these was successively planted with a winter crop, planted with a spring crop, and left unplanted. A form of crop rotation.
  11. 18. A political system in the Middle Ages that divided society into classes. Nobles offered protection of land in return for service.
  12. 19. of Arms A symbol worn by medieval knights over armor to show family ties or Lord's loyalty.
  13. 21. Unable to read or write ( Keep in mind how this influenced Medieval logic).
  14. 22. A monotheistic religion, following the sacred text the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad. A follower of Islam is called a Muslim.
  15. 23. Ages The period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the modern era.
  16. 24. Plague A bacterial infection cause by Yersinia pestis, flu symptoms then fever headache vomiting, boils followed by death. The disease killed 30-60% of Europe's total population in only a matter of years.
  17. 27. A loan of land from the king or queen, they were given to a lord as reward for bravery in battle. To get a fief you had to promise the king your allegiance.