Middle Ages

  1. 2. A bridge that can be raised or lowered over a oat
  2. 4. Land Palestine where Jesus of Nazareth lived
  3. 5. A person who work with iron and makes tools and weapons
  4. 7. A 15-year old page who learned how to ride a horse and use weapons to become a knight
  5. 14. A military journey to win the Holy Land
  6. 15. The land and peasants who farmed it, which a lord gave to a vassal
  7. 16. A person who travels to visit a holy place
  8. 21. A large open area inside the castle walls
  9. 22. The English council or lawmaking assembly
  1. 1. A political and military system based on the holding of land
  2. 3. A style of building that was like what the ROmans built with thick walls and arches
  3. 6. To be made a knight
  4. 8. A priest who is in charge of other priests and a number of churches
  5. 9. A person who received land from a king or noble
  6. 10. A permanent separation
  7. 11. A young noble who learned certain behaviors to biome a knight
  8. 12. A peasant who was bound to the land whose life was controlled by the lord of the manor
  9. 13. The part of fief that peasants farm to support the lord’s family
  10. 17. A style of architecture with thin walls, pointed arches any and flying buttresses
  11. 18. A dug-out area filled with water that circles a castle
  12. 19. A contest between two knights carrying lances and riding horses
  13. 20. A king or a noble who gave land to someone else