Middle Ages

  1. 2. Pillaged, raided, and traded
  2. 4. Economic and social system of Europe
  3. 6. Where nuns lived
  4. 9. Crowened "Holy Roman Emperor" by the Pope
  5. 11. Midieval society was _______
  6. 14. Signed by King John
  7. 16. city holy to Muslims, Christians and Jews
  8. 19. increased the fertility of the land
  9. 21. increased trade betweent he east and west
  10. 22. French hero during the 100 Years' War
  11. 23. Land that a lord gives to his vassal
  12. 24. Defeated the Muslims at the Battle of Tours
  1. 1. code of conduct
  2. 3. A shoe maker would probably be a member of a ______
  3. 5. Where monks lived
  4. 7. owned all the land in the kingdom
  5. 8. Marriage, Baptism, Confession
  6. 10. Conquered England
  7. 12. killed up to 50% of Europe's population
  8. 13. The self-suffient village owned by the lord
  9. 15. denied access to the Catholic sacraments
  10. 17. not rich, not poor, lived in towns
  11. 18. Russian Alphabet
  12. 20. tied to the land