Middle Ages

  1. 3. Black Death (sickness)
  2. 7. an opinion or belief that contradicts established religious teaching, especially one that is officially condemned (to say that it is bad) by a religious authority
  3. 8. A large piece of land, consisting of a manor house, or estate, an accompanying village, and church. And a lot of natural surrounding land, where workers (serfs) on the land providing food for themselves and the manor.
  4. 9. armored horseman
  5. 11. Traveling performer who sang about the deeds of the knights
  6. 12. document limiting King's power
  7. 14. leader of the Roman Catholic Church
  8. 15. architecture with pointed arches
  9. 18. Christian soldier who fought for the Holy Lands
  10. 20. Union of all the towns people who have the same job
  11. 21. land given to a vassal
  12. 22. large church
  13. 24. female religious worker
  14. 26. period of history A.D.500 - 1500
  15. 27. 1/10 of a person’s wage to support the church
  16. 28. worked the noble's land
  17. 29. knight's servant
  18. 30. religious workers
  1. 1. goods taken by force
  2. 2. system of loyalties/protections
  3. 4. document granting self-government
  4. 5. one who has learned a trade
  5. 6. male religious worker
  6. 8. community in which monks live
  7. 10. wars fought to capture the Holy Lands
  8. 13. learns a trade from a master
  9. 14. waited on a lord
  10. 16. Charles the Great
  11. 17. a lord or sovereign who deserves loyalty and service under feudal law
  12. 19. paper-like material made from sheepskin
  13. 22. community in which nuns live
  14. 23. served a lord for land
  15. 25. rules followed by knights