Middle Ages

  1. 3. referring to the Middle Ages in Europe or the period of history between ancient and modern times
  2. 5. also know as Charles the Great
  3. 9. Scandinavian peoples whose sailors raided Europe from the 700s through the 1100s
  4. 11. an ethnic group centered in present-day Hungary
  5. 13. in medieval Europe, a peasant bound to the lord's land
  6. 16. exchange of pledges between lords and vassals
  1. 1. code of conduct for knights during the Middle Ages
  2. 2. loosely organized system of government in which local lords governed their own lands but owed military service and other support to a greater lord
  3. 4. in medieval Europe, an estate granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for service and loyalty
  4. 6. ruler who has complete authority
  5. 7. a European noble who served as a mounted warrior
  6. 8. battle in 732 in which the Christian Franks led by Charles Martel defeated the Muslim armies and stopped the Muslim advance into Europe
  7. 10. a Germanic tribe that conquered present-day France and neighboring lands in the 400s
  8. 12. a wandering poet or singer of medieval Europe
  9. 14. during the Middle Ages in Europe, a lord's estate that included one or more villages and the surrounding lands
  10. 15. in medieval Europe, a lord who was granted land in exchange for service and loyalty to a greater lord